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Show Your Customers That You Really Care about Cyber Security The Cyber Essentials initiative, which launched 2 years ago, has now become a staple for modern day cyber security. It took less than 5 months after its launch for it to become one of the main requirements for undertaking projects having to do with sensitive data. Now, Cyber Essentials ...
Does your website have a responsive mobile version? Even though mobile devices have been about many years, not all companies and business owners have adopted fully functional and responsive mobile versions. Not every company may rely on traffic coming from mobile device users and developing a fully functional, responsive mobile version, can require...
You can offer amazing products at outstanding prices and provide unbeatable service, but you're only going to get customers if people can actually find you. That means SEO matters. Here are some points to help get your e-commerce websites noticed by Google. E-commerce websites must be mobile-friendly Mobile-friendliness is currently a key criteri...

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